Sisters, friends, blessed.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Rug Burn Theology

Kyle is just a big kid in a very tall man's body.  Anyone who knows him, knows that.  The girls and I set up a makeshift bowling game the other day complete with My Little Ponies, baby bottles, and plastic fish.  It was a fun game, but Kyle came home last night with an improved version.  Giant hard foam rolls that have been overused at his office for neck/back exercises and no longer serve their purpose.  While bowling proved to be a little challenging with just a bouncy ball full of air (wonder how he'll improve that?), he did come up with a few other fun ideas with the foam rolls.  One of which proved to be a winner; that is until he tried it himself.  We lined up all 8 rolls and used them as a conveyor belt type slide while pulling the girls across on their tummies.  They loved it, but Kyle wanted a piece of the action too.  He dove head first into them, and while he did roll for nearly the length of the playroom, he got huge rug burns on both elbows!

Just a short time later it was time to get ready for bed, and we were all in the bathroom brushing teeth.  Looking carefully at Kyle's now bleeding and seeping elbows, Hadley asked very seriously, "Can you see Jesus now, Daddy?" 

It took Kyle & me a moment to process what she had just asked before we started laughing so hard we could hardly see one another.  A few weeks back, Hadley started asking the big questions about Jesus again...where He lives, how we know He's here if we can't see Him, etc.  Our anwer has always been some version of 'He's ALL around us, but also inside of us too.' 

So, if your following this theological conversation through the mind of a 3.5 year old... if you have open bleeding seeping sores on your elbows, might you be able to see Jesus in there then? 


  1. LOL!!! That is GREAT! I know of a child who cried very hard after having an x-ray of his chest and not being able to see Jesus on the x-ray. As he had always thought Jesus was "in his heart." Sweet kids.

  2. So glad you have this is writing - cute, cute story :)

  3. The innocence of a child is wonderful! Thanks for sharing this~!

  4. love this story... ALL parts of it, including laughing out loud at Kyle getting rug burn in the first place and Hadley's innocence of it all:)

  5. HAHA!! I wish I wasn't by myself reading this. I'm laughing so hard!! I can't wait for Mike to read this story. LOVE it!
