Sisters, friends, blessed.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My Ode to Our Playroom...

Like most kids at some point during the winter, we've been sick for nearly 3 weeks now.  The first batch was the regular run of the mill cold.  And while the extra nose blowing hardly seemed to phase either of the girls, it just kind of lingered and stuck with us.  Thankfully, we were pretty much healthy as our 4th annual Superbowl party rolled around.  But just following the party, the girls got the crud.  The ucky stuck in the throat fevery crud.  And, despite my best efforts, I managed to get it too (right before our Valentine's date!).  Below is a picture of us snuggled up last Sunday trying to stay warm and get bettter. 

We are all on the mend now (Kyle is still healthy though), but have reached the stage of CABIN FEVER!!!  Having not really left the house in nearly 3 weeks, I have a renewed appreciation of our playroom...

My Ode to Our Playroom~

Oh fantastically messy Playroom, I love you so.
Who would've thought I'd love carpet with smushed in Play-Doh?

With your bright striped curtains, and your litter of toys;
Castles, dolls, and purses; definitely not a room for boys.

I left the taped hopscotch on your carpet a bit too long...
The (still present!) adhesive was apparently too strong.

Sometimes we clean you up at the end of the day.
But on most we gratefully close your door and leave you to pay. 

Piper left countless puke and drool stains on you without a care.
Thankfully, the smell has dissolved in the air!

I love you especially most in December, January, and February.
Without you, I would most certainly be crazy and in the infirmary. 

You never to seem to mind our obnoxious dancing fun,
No matter how many times we play our favorite Eric Hutchinson.

With your fingerprinted, noseprinted, licked, smudged window;
Oh fantastically messy playroom, WE love you so!

This was Hadley's attempt yesterday to do something new and different in the playroom.  She very meticulously lined all 6 windows in our playroom with board books and then preceded to line them with every 'guy' she could find.  The list included: lego guys, nativity animals, Mr. Potato Head, Candyland guys, Mary & Joseph, farm animals, etc.  When asked what they were doing, she told me that they were all having a picnic while watching outside.  You think she's got a bit of cabin fever too, if she's got every single guy in our playroom looking out the window???


  1. I'm so glad you're all feeling better! Audrey & I are extremely jealous of your nice big playroom with windows! Kuddos to Hadley for creative play:)

  2. I love it! Glad you are all on the mend. Kasia's had a doozy of a cold but I think we're past the worst now. Is it Spring yet??????

  3. p.s. LOVE the pillows on your bed - you're such a good decorator:)
