Sisters, friends, blessed.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Spring Break Week

The girls had this past week off from school. And while it started out a little shakey with Piper being sick, we wound up finding lots of ways to have fun!
'Big' and 'Little' spent lots of time snuggling while Piper got better. 
Once Piper was better, we spent time baking in the kitchen making: blueberry cake bread, cloud bread, strawberry fruit roll ups, and oatmeal carrot cake cookies. And even had a 'special kitchen guest' Cyndy, help us out with the cookies one morning!
We also spent some time outside taking in a little fresh air (between snows!) with Kyle.

'Middle' and 'Little' had fun swinging together.

And, according to Kyle, spring break week would not be complete unless you'd spent some time out at the land :)  Here are 'Big' and 'Middle' out enjoying a cup of hot cocoa while Kyle planted more trees.  Now that we've actually had 'spring' break, isn't it time that spring made its appearance?

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