Sisters, friends, blessed.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Hiking Adventure; and then some

Near the top of the girls' summer bucket list, next to eating smore's and swimming as much as they possibly can, is hiking through a local county park and having a picnic together.  We set out Saturday morning for our new adventure, and were pleasantly surprised by how beautiful the park was and how much more the park offered than just picnicking!
We found the falls pretty quickly, but it was what we discovered after that made their day... A beautiful sandy beach perfect for wading in (if you didn't have a swimsuit) and TONS of teeny tiny tadpoles. They girls were in heaven trying to catch & hold them.

By the time we set for home, Hadley was soaked through, but loving every minute of it.  We'll bring her a swimsuit and lifejacket next time!
Piper held onto more tiny frogs than anyone, carefully touching and talking to each little one.
And Bryndel could have danced in and out of the water all day!
Our drive home sparked some good conversation after all of that fresh air and exercise.  Hadley & Piper were wondering how soon we could go again, and if we could please bring a 'plastic cup with a lid' to take a few tadpoles home for pets???  We explained how tadpoles would eventually need to be set free to go live their frog lives, but we could think about bringing them home for a little while.  

Moments later, Hadley piped up and asked, 'Well, how about having a fish for a pet? It wouldn't be like taking care of a dog or a cat,' says the girl with animals in her heart.  Kyle & I very carefully talked through how much work it actually is taking care of a fish tank.  Essentially we said NO, without really even having to say it, as they both seemingly understood how much work it would be.

We went to church later that very same day, and when we picked Hadley up from 'Sunday' school, she had a smile that honestly looked like she had just won a million dollars.  

She was holding a goldfish in a bag.  Uh huh.  I think God said, I make the plans around here, Anderson Mom & Dad! And I think you should come to my church tonight so Hadley can win a fish for your home. 

Apparently, Hadley had to answer a question from the movie they watched to earn 1 ping pong ball.  She then got to toss it once over a table full of 22 goldfish bowls, 11 of which had fish.  Only 2 kids actually got theirs IN a bowl with a fish, and our Hadley was one of them.  

'Buddy' as they are affectionately calling him, now lives in the bowl previously used to serve watermelon in our house, and has been having alternating sleepovers between both big sister's bedrooms.  A fish has never been more loved, and 3 little girls have never been so excited.  God is so cool. 

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