Sisters, friends, blessed.

Sunday, August 25, 2013


As we pulled into our Land this afternoon and spied Kyle's food plots (for the deer), Hadley immediately said, "Its glorious, Dad!"  
That's because she had finally laid eyes on Kyle's first ever sunflower field (for the deer), and it really was glorious.

Bryndel is a champ at sniffing flowers, and was in her glory with all of them surrounding her!

This was the first time we'd let Hadley actually stand up and hold Bryndi, and I think it was a hit all the way around - Hadley was tickled, Bryndel thought it was kind of funny, and no one slimed Piper.
Never mind that it was noon, 95 degrees, humid, buggy, directly in the sun, and technically for the deer!  It was still glorious.


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