Sisters, friends, blessed.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Halloween 2014

It was a cool but bright & beautiful Halloween night.  Hadley chose a book character she has enjoyed reading about this year; Caddie Woodlawn - a young prairie girl from the mid-late 1800s in this part of WI.  Piper wore my M&M costume that my mom lovingly made in the late 80s!  And Bryndel happily donned her owl costume from last year, and wore it with far more enthusiasm and 'who whoos'!

We even popped out to the land with hopes of trick or treating in our future neighborhood.  While no one was home, we did get a pretty good idea of what our future driveway will look like with costumed sisters on it :).  Grandma appropriately called it the 'Landerson' photo!

And just for fun, here is that little owl from last Halloween!

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