Sisters, friends, blessed.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Red Neck Beauties

I am often amused and even astounded when I quietly listen in to one of the little conversations between Hadley and Piper as they play throughout the day.  Most of my astonishment has to do with my speech therapy background and their overall use of language.  But the other day I found myself wondering who's daughters they were anyway?  Take a listen, and let me know what you think...

Hadley: Next time Daddy gets a bear tag, I will be old enough to hunt too, Pipo.  So, I will shoot you a bear for your room.
Piper: Oh, dat sounds gooooood.  It would be soft?
Hadley: Yes, Pipo. The bear on my wall is really soft.
Piper: Gooooood!  I would touch it.
Hadley: (Thinking) Well, maybe I could shoot you a deer soon for your wall.
Piper: Yaaaaaah!  A daddy deer, Haaadley?
Hadley: Um, probably a mama or a daddy deer.  Not a baby fawn.
Piper: Bummer.
Hadley: I would need help dragging it out of the woods. Maybe we could both grab the legs and drag it out together?
Piper: Oh, dat sounds gooooood!  We drag it out.
Hadley:  Then we'd have to gut it before we brought it home. Do you know how to gut it, Pipo?
Piper:  Yaaaaaah!
Hadley: Then we could bring it home and hang it on your wall, would that be good, Pipo? 
Piper:  Ya (interuppted)
Hadley: Oh, we would have to go to the taxidermist first though, Pipey.  You would like it there, there are lots of animals!
Piper: Oh, dat sounds goooood, Haaadley!


  1. Oh. my. goodness. SO funny to imagine those two sweet little girls talking about hunting and gutting and taxidermy. How proud is Kyle?

  2. That is the BEST! I'm laughing so hard.

  3. oh for the LOVE of God, I am dying over here. That is so funny/awesome/cute/smart. Love them! ps - how in the world did you remember all of that!

  4. I bet they have one REALLY proud daddy! Too cute!

  5. This is the cutest thing I have ever heard/read!

  6. I would expect nothing less from Kyle's kids. Well Done buddy. Well done!!!
