Sisters, friends, blessed.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Circus

The rain finally let up, and just in time as the Shrine Circus came to town last night! We braved the crowds and the heat, but was it ever worth it to see their little faces! The girls LOVED all of it - the animals, the acrobats, and of course the treats! I left Kyle in charge of the treats, as I wasn't quite sure how he'd feel if I came back with the actual coveted circus treat...cotton candy. But while he did not come back with that exactly, he did return with some buttery popcorn, steamy french fries, and Reeses Pieces! I have never seen either of them eat so much. Hadley watched much of the circus just like this, pressed up against the ledge we were sitting behind, trying to get as close as she possibly could to all the action.

And Piper could not have been more thrilled about any and all of the animals there. Kyle caught a quick video of her watching the elephants leave. First she is telling them 'Goodbye' but then sees them change direction and thinks they are 'Starting up AGAIN!'

We were rather late in getting home though...it did not start until 7:30 p.m. to begin with, but got a late 8:00 start, followed by a nearly hour long intermission, putting us at home after 10! I think we may have pressed our luck a little already today. We set out to see our favorite animal park nearby (post on that to follow) and Piper melted down just trying to get ready, and Hadley melted down trying to get back into the car to come home! I think we all need a long nap (or some fresh coffee, hmmm) and an early bedtime tonight. After seeing Piper in that video though, you'll know, just like we did, it was worth it to hear that squeal over and over again.


  1. Fun! Looks like it was definitely worth the late night...I hope you all got a nice afternoon nap:)

  2. Hooray! James went TWO times (once with us and once with the Children's Center on a BUS) and survived the clowns both times! Even gave one of them a high five... :)

    LOVE the pictures and the video.
