Sisters, friends, blessed.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Latest

Anderson happenings of the past week:

*Eating 12 pounds of bananas in 6 days (no kidding!)
*Piper's "NO" is almost as prevalent as Hadley's "Why" now
*Much to the girls dismay, our south facing snow-woman lost her head to the warm weather, but thanks to Dad has a new body in our north facing backyard
*Piper has really gotten into bird watching, and is constantly yelling "Card" and "Honk" as she looks out into the backyard trees (for cardinals and geese)
*Hadley is really into rhyming, and even though we have found it quite funny, we've had to discourage her from rhyming with yucky :)
*If Piper doesn't like something (anything) she now tells us that it "Huts" (hurts!)
*Hadley broke an Anderson Family record for 'needing' to go potty 5 times in ONE night (we are working out the kinks on that one!)
*Thanks to the Olympics the girls have been luge-ing as they slide down the living room chairs, and Hadley is often heard trying to sing her (very cute) version of our national anthem
*Benelli (the alive cat) has been depertately trying to get onto my dresser to eat some of the grass that surrounds the (dead) bobcat and then pukes it back up again
*Both girls now strain to see the pile of mail every day, just in case there is another Superman letter from Uncle Mike
*Piper somehow has round two of the ucky snotty nose
*And Hadley has decided that, "Pipo, is the most funniest in our family!"

So, while we are all itching for spring, and I'll admit to maybe being just a little crazy in the head, we are still having a fantastic time doing our usual daily thing each and every day.  SO much to be thankful for. 

1 comment:

  1. sooo fun to hear what they are up to! it's all so funny (especially in hindsight or when you're not the one dealing with it) right! :) darm dead cats and so cute that Hadley sings and Grant went through a stage too when everything he didn't like was "owie" too funny. Oh and fabulous natural lighting in the pics above, btw.
