Sisters, friends, blessed.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Slippery Weekend

Hadley was the proud recipient of her very own shovel this weekend.  She had really wanted pink (do they even make those?) but was thankfully just as happy with the red one I found.  After 4 days of rain/sleet/snow she and Kyle really did need to use it on our slippery driveway.

They took a few time outs to visit with the neighbors, take a sled ride down the driveway, and even make the first snowman of the year (much to Piper's delight)!  And in case you were wondering, it IS a girl, as Hadley always says that we already have one boy in our family (one must be enough, huh?).

We finished out the weekend in purple, watching the disappointing Vikings game. Apparently the MN/WI weather made their hands a bit slippery too?  Hmmmm.  When I told Hadley about their loss this morning, her response was, "Rats, Mom, they won't get a super bowl. Maybe next time."  I wonder what that bowl looks like in her head? 

The very best part of the weekend, though, was getting our Paige back (our oldest neice is in her first year of college right here in town!).  How lucky are we!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

While Mom Was Away...

Upon returning from my trip down South, my girlfriends were all quick to ask not how my trip was, but how Kyle did with the girls! Good question, as he has probably been in charge of both girls (by himself) for half a day at most, and never over night.  But, I am here to report that all 3 did very well indeed!  In fact, when I asked Hadley on Monday if she had missed me while I was gone, her response was, "I had Daddy, Mom, so I didn't miss you at all."  To which I wasn't really very sad, but instead glad that it had obviously gone so well.  Piper on the other hand, has told me many times since my return, "Hap, Mama, home" (hap, being happy, as she uses her sign with it too).  Phew, somebody noticed I was gone!

Kyle began the weekend by making Hadley's favorite deviled eggs/egg sald with their help!  What an ambitious Dad!

Time out for a little muscle flexing - very nice, Piper Lu!

The following day, he tried his hand at baking (healthy cookies, mind you, with almond flour and agave sweetner!), but this time was met with some opposition from the littlest sister.  According to a text Kyle sent me during that morning, "Cannot put the little fusser down!"  Hehe! 

They hit the children's museum that afternoon (after what appears to have been a very educational lunch - again, very impressed with my husband!).  And on Sunday they ventured out into the 30 degree snow.  Where they were happily joined by a couple neighborhood friends and their dad as well!  

I was greeted with the biggest of hugs and warmest of smiles Sunday night from two very happy little girls.  I knew Kyle would do well, but he really did impress me.  It all went so well, I'm thinking that I just might have to try it again sometime soon... don't you think?  :)

Monday, January 18, 2010

Texas Love

I was blessed this weekend with the rare privilege of being with both of my beloved brothers.  An event that has not happened in over a year, and an event that we are unsure as to when it will happen again as Michael leaves this coming weekend to begin his Basic Combat Training with the Army.  The time we had to together warmed my soul from the inside.  We have a special bond that seems to have only grown over the years.  The laughter, hugs, and tears were thick and plentiful.  I am so proud of what fine men they have turned into. 

Nathan and his lovely wife, Heidi, traveled in from Boston early (hence the sleepy picture above) Friday morning, to meet me in the Dallas airport.  From there, we spent nearly every waking moment with Mike, his lovely wife, Jill, and their 3 little sweeties - Brooklyn, Jeremiah, and Savannah in their Carrollton, Texas home.  We didn't go out except to buy groceries and visit the park, as the kids were all the entertainment we needed (even though Mike did offer to do some real Texas line dancing for us)...

From Brooklyn's singing and tea parties, to Jeremiah's dancing and train playing, to Savannah's sweet smiles and coos, we had a fantastic time with the kids! 

Much of the weekend weather was not real seasonable by Texas standards, but the 50 degree days felt pretty darn good to us Minnesotans!

It was also really fun to watch Nathan & Heidi try out their parenting skills.  Heidi was a complete natural, but Nathan was admittedly a bit scared (well, really only of dropping the baby, hehe).


We wrapped up the weekend with a great service at Mike's church, and then headed over to the Matthews' home (long time family friends of the Jerry Graham family) for an awesome celebration and send off for Mikey.  The Cowboy/Vikings game just so happened to be playing on their 80some inch TV screen too!  Go Favre!

It was a bittersweet goodbye.  What a happy, happy little family they are!  I know that it will be a difficult couple of months and even years for them, but they love one another and they love God.  We will continue to hold them up in our prayers, and know that some day soon we will all be together again to laugh until our insides hurt.  Thanks for an incredible weekend guys, I love you!

Saturday, January 9, 2010


I distinctly remember teaching Hadley how to count. We had these little teeny tiny tubs of play-doh that winter that happened to number to 10, and she had to listen to me count them several times every day for a while. The poor first born child being 'helicoptered' by her own first born mother - For the love! So, you can imagine my surprise when I asked Piper last night how many bracelets she had, and she preceded to count to 10 (well, all but number 7, but who needs that lucky number anyway)!!! Being the typical baby of the family, Piper has seen her fair share of hand-me-downs, used/spit up on/chewed on toys, ripped/torn books, and only half of mom's attention and lap most days. But somehow, in the midst of all that shared love, she was paying attention to her big sister and me, and learned how to count to 10 all on her own :). I know, nothing genious, but a really good laugh for me - the first born, scheduled, olga the organizer mom who didn't even get to teaching her counting yet!

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year's Eve 2009

We had a fantastic time in Nothern Wisconsin ringing 2010 in with the Andersons!  We stayed up late eating, opening presents, eating, playing games, and did I mention eating?  But the thing the girls enjoyed most, was the time spent with their cousins over the four days we were there.  We asked all of the present cousins (minus Paige and the 4 Alaskan cousins) to stand in front of the tree for a picture and only Piper willingly posed!

Hadley and Ava became quite the little buddies over the weekend.  Ava is just 8 months older than Hadley, and while they looked pretty funny together the first Christmas I photographed them...  (Ava is nearly 9 months, and Hadley is 5 weeks in this picture back in 2006.)

They were pretty stinkin' cute together this year, especially in their new tu tus (thanks to Auntie Anne!).  That pink tutu was worn a loooooot over the weekend!

Piper, as usual, enjoyed snuggling with anyone who would hold her.  And was, of course, most interested in the present that was probably the cheapest - little bathtub balls.

We finished out the evening with homeade ice cream (Grandpa A, Sydney, and Hadley can be seen below tending to it), and a rousing game of Battle of the Sexes.  I seem to have forgotten who won, but we obviously had a good time...

New Year's Day 2010

We spent a very leisurely first day of 2010, while Hadley and Grandma A scrubbed the house (hehe!).  Note the pink tu tu; I mean, really, who doesn't feel better scrubbing the house in one of those - kind of like the pearls of the 1950's housewife! 

We spent the first evening of 2010 enjoying a delicious meal at Kara & Frank's.  The brave ones actually went sledding first, but we arrived just in time for the yummmmmmy hot cocoa and soup. 

And once again, Piper found arms to snuggle in, while the older girls played in the new princess tent from Grandma & Grandpa A.

Rest of Our Northern Weekend

I got to visit my favorite Northern city on Saturday morning.  Kara and Carolyn took me into Duluth for a little bit of shopping and girl time.  It was lovely. 
Meanwhile,  Kyle and the girls had a great time with Grandpa A, Uncle Kraig, and the cousins before we returned so he could head out into the FREEZING cold to get one more bow hunt in. 

We are home now, and are reminded over and over again of all that we have to be thankful for.  Our health, our happiness, and our loving families.  May God bless you and your family in all that 2010 brings your way!