Sisters, friends, blessed.

Monday, March 3, 2025

February 2025

We started out the month with a bang! Hadley was invited down to Truman State University to interview for their top academic scholarships!! And, she was awarded their full ride Pershing Scholarship!!! We couldn't be more excited, or more proud of her ❤️
We got in some sledding with the Hensons just in time before it all melted!
Hadley & Piper presented an amazing marketing project at DECA State!

And I got the best long weekend down in FL with the Slipper Club 🥰

SO blessed by these wonderful women in my life! 

Thanks for having us, Mom! You are thee best and cutest hostess!

Saturday, February 8, 2025

January 2025

Piper convinced Hadley to join DECA with her three best friends this year!
They both made it to State, and our collaborating on a lavender project!

Lots of JV and Varsity basketball this month for Piper! Even Grandma got to cheer her on!
Bryndel has had a knee injury and been unable to play in many tournaments, but she has been enjoying her basketball season nonetheless. 
Hadley gave her testimony at church for 200 of the youth group students! It was amazing!

We made it down to Iowa and got to celebrate the New Year with Uncle Mike, Jeremiah, Savannah, and Asher. It was a blast!

Hadley has been doctoring for her jaw that is out of socket. We are prayerful that these non-surgical procedures are successful!
And much to Hadley's delight, her friend Anna taught Hadley to ski this month! 

Monday, December 30, 2024

December 2024

What a beautiful December!
Lots of basketball for both Bryndel & Piper!

Calvin & Hobbes enjoy the trees as well, but maybe not their sweaters.

Hadley & Piper got MANY compliments on the Christmas sweaters they borrowed from Grandma! Lots of cookies were also decorated.

We got to sing carols at Oma's nursing home together ❤️ 

And celebrated at Auntie Kim's house with the Andersons and with Grandma back at our house on Christmas 🎄 Such a blessing to be with so many family members.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

November 2024

The month started off with a Kyle's best buck yet! Followed by Hadley's 18th birthday! (One of her senior pictures.) She got to celebrate with her birthday buddy, Cyndy, too!

Piper's basketball season is off to a great start - averaging 8 points a JV game and even getting into the Varsity game at times!
Bryndel has only had one night of scrimmages, but is having fun with her BB team!

Piper had quite the fan section over the Thanksgiving break!

Grandma, Nathan, Heidi and cousins came over for a little of the Wisconsin Thanksgiving tradition - hunting! Cylas was blessed to harvest a beautiful 9 point buck with all of his siblings and cousins in tow!

We finished off the month by harvesting our own Christmas trees right off the land. Now it's time to prepare and anticipate the birth of Christ ❤️

Saturday, November 2, 2024

October 2024


It has been quite the month of cross country meets! Bryndel had a great first season!

While Hadley had a great last season.

We topped off the month with a Packer game for Kyle & Hadley, and  State Park day for the whole family!

Thursday, October 3, 2024

September 2024

We finished out the summer at the lake for Labor day weekend with lots of tubing fun!

Then it was off to school for Bryndel in 6th grade at her new middle school, Piper a sophomore, and Hadley a SENIOR!!
Hadley has had a great cross country season!

Piper a great tennis season, swinging between JV and Varsity all season.

Bryndel has really enjoyed her first CC season meeting new friends and running hard!

And of course, there was Homecoming!